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Studies on the history of Russian archaeology of the early Soviet period are becoming increasingly relevant. The Taman expedition of the State Academy for the History of Material Culture (1930–1931) was important for the investigation of the area of the Cimmerian Bosporus. It was headed by A.A. Miller. The results of the fi eld work of this expedition are still very poorly studied, but the materials stored in the Scientific Archives of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences make it possible to assess the scale of the studies carried out at that time. The published essay of A.A. Miller has a certain scientifi c signifi cance. It characterizes the state of scientifi c institutions and museums in the North Caucasus the situation in the early 1930s.


Historiography of the Russian archaeology, North Caucasus, Taman expedition, local history museums, protection of ancient sites.

Yuriy A. Vinogradov

Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia

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