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The article presents the analysis of variants of Christ`s clothes naming used in the ancient Slavic texts. Parts of the Gospels (Mariinski, Archangel and Zographic) about the crucifying of Jesus Christ became the materials for the study. For example, the episode of lots drawing: “Those who crucifi ed Him shared His clothes, throwing lots” (Matthew 27: 35). The analysis of the vocabulary of the original ancient Greek text allows stating the use of only two noun names – ιματιον (himation) and χιτων (chiton). The fi rst lexeme is explained in dictionaries as the general naming of robes “clothes”, but within the framework of the proposed opposition it gets a particular meaning – “outerwear”/”cloak”, in contrast to χιτων – “underwear”/“lower shirt”. The names of Christ’s clothes found in the ancient Slavic manuscripts are very diverse; as a result, initially two-component opposition became multi-component. As an analogue of the lexeme ιματιον the plural form ðèç| is steadily used in the manuscripts. As for the lexeme χιτων, its analogues, along with the direct loan translation õèòîíú, are presented by such lexemes as ìàòèçìú, êîòûãà and âüðõúíþþ ðèçq. The appearance of each of the variants offered by the translators-copyists has its own reasons: not a very successful try to calquing (гиматий – ìàòèçìú); a mistake in establishing differences within the opposition ιματιον / χιτων (‘outerwear’/‘underwear’), as a result, lexeme χιτων gets the opposite to the original interpretation – `over robe`; the appearance of the word êîòûãà in the Archangel Gospel can be determined by the place of birth/living of the translator-copyist because it is a regional word and is still recorded in pomor dialects with the meaning `dress in general`.


Early Middle Ages, ancient Slavic manuscripts, Tetraevangelion, names of clothes.

Lyubov N. Churilina, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Natalya V. Pozdnyakova, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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