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The most massive material discovered during archaeological excavations is amphorae. Amphorae appear on the Bosporus since the arrival of the fi rst colonists on the turn of the late 7th and early 6th centuries BC. Mainly wine and olive oil were delivered in amphorae. The amphorae provide evidence for the directions of sea trade routes that functioned on the principle of buying products in one center and selling them in another, and merchants received money for seafaring from trapezitas-creditors. Therefore, the amphorae indicate precisely those centers that were located along the trade route from the lending center to the fi nal destination, and where it was profi table for merchants to buy a fairly large batch of wine at a reasonable price. All the variety of amphorae testifi es to the formation of single markets and the establishment of certain routes for merchants.


Cimmerian Bosporus, Phanagoria, Panticapaeum, trade, amphora containers, coin hoards.

Sergey N. Ostapenko

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia; State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve “Phanagoria”

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