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The article discusses the purpose of creating so-called “long genealogies” during the Saite dynasty and the First Persian period. Specifi c “long genealogies” were often studied by previous scientists, but only by K. Jansen-Winkeln investigated the practice of creating such genealogies in general. However, the scientist investigated only the purpose of such documents, and the fact that “long genealogies” can only be attributed to the beginning of the Saite dynasty and, after a century-long break, to the reign of Amasis and the First Persian period, remains ignored. To identify the reasons for this gap and the subsequent revival of this practice, it is necessary to turn to the goals of “long genealogies”. The most common use of monuments containing them was to ensure the veneration of all family members in one memorial. However, at the end of the Saite dynasty, they acquired a different purpose and served to assert the rights of Egyptian priests to hold certain positions in the temple hierarchy and receive income from related lands. This additional goal was caused by changes in royal policy towards the temple: the reforms of Amasis were aimed at reducing the autonomy of temples and state donations to them. The Persian rulers of Egypt adhered to this policy, which led to a deterioration in the fi nancial situation of the priests. The revival of “long genealogies” is connected with the desire of priests to justify their rights to certain positions, relying mainly on the hereditary principle, which, moreover, was signifi cant in the eyes of other priests.


Ancient Egypt, “long genealogies”, Saite period, First Persian period, private monuments, priesthood.

Denis A. Izosimov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

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