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The image of Phillip’s II military system in Demosthenes’ speeches is under consideration in this article. It’s identifi ed that the Athenian orator showed mercenaries as an important part of Macedonian army and emphasized difference between king and soldiers’ interests and showed that the practice of using hoplites was absent. Demosthenes was reasonable to note that Macedonian army was constantly prepared conduct military operations, active use of light infantry and cavalry, developed siegecraft. Demosthenes called the main properties of Philip as a military and political fi gure cunning, purposefulness and dedication, highlights the positive consequences of having all the levers of control of the army and the state in the hands of the monarch. In this way the image was formed which connected the frank speculation and real facts, largely distorted due to Demosthenes’ desire to expose Philip as a dangerous, but at the same time vulnerable opponent. The Athenian politician did not consider the main consequences of creation Macedonian professional troops and showed the armed forces of Philip as a typical Greek polis citizens’ militia which was not interested in frequent military campaigns, and the king himself – isolated from society and surrounded by mercenary’s tyrant. Demosthenes ignored the presence of the Macedonian phalanx to show it less dangerous in fi eld battles. The orator explained Philip’s successes by the passivity and disunity of the Athenian civil collective, as well as the activities of traitors, which was designed not only to persuade the Athenians to take decisive action, but also to turn public opinion against Demosthenes’ political opponents. Besides that, the orator used to his advantage idealistic ideas about agonal war characteristic of the Greek public consciousness according to which the only decent way of conducting military operations was considered an open battle of hoplite phalanxes. This made it possible to characterize Philip’s victories as dishonest and to form the Athenians’ belief in the possibility of defeating the Macedonians in a war taking place according to traditional principles for Greece. The negative consequence of the construct formed by Demosthenes was a dangerous underestimation of the real capabilities of the enemy.


Demosthenes, Philip II, Macedonia, Athens, warfare, mercenaries, hoplites.

Alexander А. Kleymenov

Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University, Tula, Russian Federation

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