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Abstract. In the North Pontic region there were found bronze oinochoes of the first centuries AD of the four types: Tassinari D1110, Rondsen (Eggers 124 / Nuber D or Hagenow / Tassinari D2111a-c-2112), Tassinari D2120 and Stangerup (Eggers 125 / Nuber E or Millingen / Tassinari D2300), which vary in the shape, proportions and size of the body, the shape and decoration of the handles, 14 vessels in total. Separate attributions of oinochoes, published so far, have been reasoned revised in this work. In addition to the distribution of oinochoes by type, the peculiar features of the design of handles and attachments are considered and parallels are given to them among the finds from the territory of the Roman Empire and the European Barbaricum. Oinochoes originate from burials dating from the first half of the 1st to the middle of the 3rd century AD. In Dnieper region and in Asian Sarmatia finds of oinochoes are extremely rare. More often they were found in the Bosporan Kingdom, burial grounds of the local population of the South-Western Crimea, and especially in the Maiotian burial-grounds of the Kuban region. For the territory of the Roman Empire, the Central European Barbaricum and Thrace, a combination of patera and oinochoe in the same complexes is evident, clearly forming sets (such as Hagenau, Millingen, etc.). In the North Pontic region, the combination of patera and oinochoe in complexes is noted only in five cases – in the burial grounds of the South-Western Crimea (two complexes of the Ust-Alma burial ground), the Bosporus (the necropolis of Pantikapaion, Tsemdolina near Novorossiysk) and one of the Maiotian burials of the Kuban region. In Sarmatia, the combination of oinochoe and patera in complexes is not traced. Oinochoes of the Millingen type (Eggers 125 / Tassinari D2300) predominate quantitatively, representing half of the finds (7 specimens), rarer (4 specimens) are found the oinochoes of the Hagenow type (Eggers 124 / Nuber D / Tassinari D2111a–c–2112). Oinochoes of types Tassinari D1110 (2 specimens) and D2120 (1 specimen) are even more rare.


Roman bronze vessels, oinochoes, Roman imports, Roman Empire, North Pontic area, South-Western Crimea, Bosporan Kingdom, Maiotian burials of the Kuban region, Sarmatia.

Mikhail Yu. Treister

Bonn, Germany

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