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Humans underwent tremendous changes in their behavior during prehistoric times, especially during the Neolithic period when they found better conditions that led them to turn sedentary and marked the transition from hunter-gatherers to resource-producing economy, by mastering the domestication of plants and animals and introducing new features in their equipment such as pottery and grinding stone tools. The research on this topic has also evolved with the advance of research and analytic approaches, and despite that, the Neolithic period is a quite challenging subject when it comes to the kind of contacts and the behavior between Neolithic groups and Meso-Epipaleolithic ones during the transitional phases of Neolithization. Researchers continue to bring new highlights with new data and pieces of evidence that clarify our conceptual ideas regarding this particular period. In our days it is admitted that the Neolithization occurred in different ways depending on the region and the nature of contacts between the Neolithic groups and the Mesolithic and Epipaleolithic ones. North Africa presents various Neolithic schemes, mainly due to its strategic position, which allows the region to be surrounded by many cultural infl uences. The French past research had made it possible to contextualize chronologically three main Neolithic currents which had in common the pastoral semi-nomadic way of subsistence, a made mark that marked the North-African Neolithic’s, in addition to the many other cultural aspects and exchanges between the diverse Neolithic cultures that were settling in this large territory of the Sahara and the Mediterranean regions.


Neolithic, neolithization, Neolithic diffusion, North Africa.

Sofiane Si-Ammour

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

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