Valery P. Yailenko

Moscow, Russia

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Yailenko, V.P. 2005: Magicheskie nadpisi Bospora [The magical inscriptions of the Bosporus]. Drevnosti Bospora [The Bosporan antiquities] 8, 459‒508.

Yailenko, V.P. 2010: Tysyacheletniy Bosporskiy reikh. Istoriya i epigrafi ka Bospora VI veka do nashey ery ‒ V veka nashey ery [A Thousend-year Bosporan Reich. A history and epigraphy of the Bosporus of 6th BC ‒ 5th сс. AD]. Moscow.

Yailenko, V. P. 2017: Istoriya i epigrafika Ol’vii, Chersonesa i Bospora VII veka do nashey ery ‒ VI veka nashey ery [A history and epigraphy of Olbia, Chersonesus and the Bosporus of 7th BC ‒ 6th AD]. Saint Petersburg.

Yailenko, V. P. 2019: Epigrafi cheskie zametki [The epigraphical notes]. Bosporskie issledovaniya [Bosporan Studies] 39, 117‒209.

Yailenko, V. P. 2020: Zametki o tekstologii i datirovanii novoizdannykh nagovorov iz ellinisticheskoy Ol’vii [The notes on textology and dating of the newly published curse inscriptions from Olbia]. Problemy istorii, filologii i kul’tury [Journal of historical, philological and cultural Studies] 4, 24‒40.