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The article is concerned with the interpretation of paragraph XII. 8. 11 Strabo’s Geography, containing a description of the city of Cyzicus on the Propontis. A brief overview of the controversial tradition of translating a passage from this paragraph “ἔοικέ τε τῷ παραπλησίῳ τύπῳ κοσμεῖσθαι ᾧπερ ἡ τῶν Ῥοδίων καὶ Μασσαλιωτῶν καὶ Καρχηδονίων τῶν πάλαι” into modern languages is given. The translators use this passage in the sense of the similarity between the cities of Cyzicus, Rhodes, Massalia and ancient Carthage, either in legislation, in the sociopolitical structure, or in the construction and decoration of cities. Then the article examines the parallels given by Strabo in the state structure of Cyzicus, Rhodes, Massalia and ancient Carthage in the light of the concept of the state structure of Aristotle, and also some of the Strabo’s methods, which he uses in his work with the source material. In conclusion, it is probably that this passage from XII. 8. 11 is should be interpreted in the sense of the state structure of Cyzicus, which was similar to the state structure of Massalia, Rhodes, and ancient Carthage.


Cyzicus, Rhodes, Massalia, Carthage, Strabo, polity, aristocracy, oligarchy, Aristotle.

Svetlana O. Dergacheva

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

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