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The paper is devoted to the archaeobotanical studies of the Maslyanaya Gora fortress as well as to issues related to it`s household features. The fortress is located in the lower reaches of the Belbek River (Southwestern Crimea), in the contact zone between Chersonese and the local barbarian population. Two stages of the object`s existence have been distinguished: the early, Chersonesian (late 4th – the third quarter of the 3rd century BC), and the late Hellenistic one, associated with the period of Mithridates VI (ending with the destruction of the fort on the verge of the 2nd and the 1st centuries or in the very beginning of the 1st century BC). Among the material detected in the samples from the deposits of the early horizon of the site, the grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare) are the most common. Millet (Panicum miliaceum) and emmer (Triticum dicoccum) were also recorded. For this period, large grain pits are also characteristic, as well as fragments of saddle querns. In the late 2nd century BC, the fortress was rebuilt; profound household complex of this period has been investigated in its eastern part. The grain (barley, common wheat, millet, oats) was stored in amphorae here, and its further processing took place here too (mortars, hopper rubbers, fi replaces and oven have been recorded). The fi nds of oat grains (Avena sativa) in the amphora is of great importance as it allows us to suggest the cultivation of oats in the vicinity of the fort in the Late Hellenistic period. For samples 1–3, refl ecting the early fort`s phases, the archaeologisation of the grains was relatively random, whereas the samples 4–13, illustrating the economy of the inhabitants of the Fort of Mithridatic period, are taken from the fi lls of the well-preserved amphorae.


Archaeobotany, chora of Chersonesos, Maslyanaya gora fortress, Hellenism, amphorae.

Maksim I. Τyurin, State Museum-Preserve “Tauric Chersonese”, Sevastopol, Russia; Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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Irena G. Chukhina, Vavilov all-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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Andrey A. Filippenko, Independent Researcher, Sevastopol, Russia

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