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The article considers the main issues connected with the satrapal administration of the Syrian region under Alexander the Great. The author is of the opinion that as a result of the Macedonian king’s conquest of Syria, which had been a single administrative entity under the Achaemenids, it was divided into two satrapies – in the north and in the south. However already in Alexander’s lifetime, probably in 329/8, Syria was once again merged into one satrapy. It is unclear who was appointed then as its satrap. At any rate, it could not have been Menes son of Dionysius: the hypothesis that in winter 331/0 he was appointed as satrap of the new province including Syria and Cilicia does not stand scrutiny. Also, the view that Alexander temporarily granted Menes the supreme authority over Syria, Cilicia and Phoenicia, placing him above the local satraps and fi nancial offi cials, does not appear convincing. The author argues that the main task Alexander assigned to Menes was to take control and then to keep open and organized the sea communications with the coast of Syria, Phoenicia and Cilicia, and in the matters concerning these activities Menes was fully independent of the local satraps.


Alexander the Great, Syria, satrapy, satrap, administration.

Maksim M. Kholod

Petersburg State University, Saint Peterburg, Russia

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