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A group of rock art sites of Sheremetyevo petroglyphs is located on the right bank of the border river Ussuri below the village of Sheremetyevo (Vyazemsky District of the Khabarovsk Territory). Within the group, as of 2020, 5 petroglyph locations are known, forming two clusters, the southern (Sheremetyevo 1, 2 and 5) and the northern (Sheremetyevo 3 and 4). The article provides an overview of studies of the Sheremetyevo petroglyphs since their discovery in the 19th century up to the present time, and described modern approaches to documenting rock art sites, tested on open rock surfaces and boulders. During the last expeditions all known surfaces and stones with drawings were examined by the joint efforts of the Center for Paleoart studies of the Institute of Archaeology RAS, the Khabarovsk Regional Center for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Objects and the RSSDA Laboratory. All known surfaces and boulders with drawings were examined, their coordinates were determined. At the locations of Sheremetyevo 2 and Sheremetyevo 3, a continuous mapping of surfaces with petroglyphs was carried out using the method of perspective photography from the ground (aerial photography was impossible due to the regime of the border area). To document the petroglyphs themselves on rock surfaces and boulders, the method of photogrammetric processing of high-resolution digital photographs for three-dimensional modeling of objects was used. When working with models, images of poor preservation, smoothed, unfi nished and small in size appear, and the details of the images published in the works of A.P. Okladnikov. Results of documenting rock art on the river Ussuri are presented on the site of the project “Petroglyphs of the Lower Amur and Ussuri” (


Petroglyphs, rock art, Sheremetyevo, Russian Far East.

Yuriy M. Svoyskiy, RSSDA Laboratory, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Elena S. Levanova, Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ekaterina V. Romanenko, RSSDA Laboratory, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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