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This paper is the fi rst part of a study of Lucius Domitius Valerianus’ biography, who was a soldier of the VI Ferrata Legion, and then he was transferred to the X Praetorian Cohort. In AD 208, this native of Capitolias erected an altar dedicated to the Genius of the century for Hercules the Protector in Rome. This paper deals with issues of Valerianus’ ethnic and social origin. Capitolias was a young city inhabited by various Semitic peoples and Greeks, while the Romans were a minority. Natives of the city began to be attracted to serve in the Roman army no later than the time of Trajan. Most likely, Valerian was not an ethnic Latin, but it is impossible to determine his nationality more precisely, since the text of his monument does not provide any information on this subject, and in any other sources that could shed light on his family, he is no longer mentioned. The paper discusses various possible variants of the origin of his family. His connection with other known Domitii Valeriani, which are recorded on the Danube, in Asia Minor and in the Middle East, is extremely unlikely. The social status of Valerian can only be determined indirectly, based on the fact that his service was limited only to the rank and fi le of the legion, where he entered, practically having no chance of being transferred to the Guard. Most likely, he belonged to the poor or, at most, to the middle strata of his city.


Prosopography, praetorian cohorts, legio VI Ferrata, L. Domitius Valerianus, dilectus, missio honesta, Septimius Severus’ reforms.

Evgeniy A. Guskov

Samara Branch of Moscow City University”, Samara, Russia

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