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This paper deals with Athenian aristocracy of Archaic period. According to the historical tradition (Plutarch, Aristotle), aristocracy arises as a result of the so-called synoecism of Theseus. We are talking about the class of Eupatrids. In the literature this information is treated with great caution. The interpretation of this corporation as a class is questionable. Moreover, in recent years it has been suggested that the term Eupatrids came into use not earlier than the 6th century BC. Solon’s poems are undoubtedly an important source of information about Archaic Athenian aristocracy. In his poems the Athenian reformer criticizes fellow citizens for the unrestrained passion for enrichment. This is especially true of the aristocracy and certain demou hegemones. In this paper it is suggested that demou hegemones were the part of the aristocracy that had state power. It is well known that Aristotle calls the political system of Athens on the eve of Solon’s reforms as oligarchic. Therefore, it makes sense to raise the question of who these oligarchs (i.e. demou hegemones) were? Could they be, for example, the Alcmeonids, about whom we know more than of any other aristocratic family?


Ancient Greece, Athens, aristocracy, Eupatrids, Solon, demou hegemones.

Valeriy G. Gushchin

National Research University Higher School of Economic, Perm, Russia

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