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Uncommon ritual complexes, connected with sacrificing people and animals, wine or blood libations to the deities of the earth and the dungeon were discovered in the central part of the ancient settlement of Artezian in the Crimean Azov region. There were a number of trenches elongated from west to east with ash filling of the defensive moat of the late Citadel excavated in 1999 and 2019. They are dated to, respectively, the 3rd and from the 1st to 2nd centuries AD. In a later trench there was a dumping of mass cremation of people and animals. The remains of a large number of bones of cattle and small stock with ceramic artifacts were discovered in a medium density gray ash fi lling in the second trench of 2019, that was located in close proximity to the fi rst one but was in another chronological layer

A piglet and an adult pig skull burial along with a dog skull were uncovered in the western part of the trench. Bones of cattle were found in the eastern part. The orientation of these ritual objects in the second trench leads to the conclusion that they appeared during the summer solstice. Among the population of the Artezian settlement, the cult of the pig and wild boar was associated with oak trees and vine veneration, which corresponds with the antique religious tradition and parallels with ancient myths and legends in a certain way.


Cimmerian Bosporus, Artezian settlement, sacrifices, libations, altars, zoomorphic plant cults, necropolis, mythological traditions, Dionysus, Demeter, mysteries.

Nikolay I. Vinokurov, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Andrey V. Fesenko, Moscow State Institute of Culture, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2015e: Zhilishchnye i khozyaystvennye kompleksy saltovomayatskogo vremeni v tsentral'noy chasti gorodishcha Artezian [Household and residential blocksin the central part of the Artezian settlementduring Saltovo-Mayakiperiod]. Drevnosti Bospora [Antiquities of the Bosporus] 19, 28–42.

Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2015g: Gorodishche Artezian v epokhu srednevekov'ya (po rezul'tatam arheologicheskih issledovaniy) [The Artezian settlement in the Middle Ages (from archaeological studies)]. Lokus: lyudi, obshchestva, kul’tury, smysly [Locus: people, societies, cultures, meanings] 4, 50–58.

Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2015v: O khronologii i periodizatsii gorodishcha Artezian v epokhu srednevekov'ya (rannevizantiyskiy period) [Concerning the chronology and periodization of the Artezian settlementin the Middle Ages (early Byzantine time)]. Problemy istorii, filologii, kul΄tury [Journal of Historical, Philological and Cultural Studies] 3 (49), 195–208.

Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2016a: Zhilye i khozyaystvennye postroyki saltovo– mayatskogo poseleniya na gorodishche Artezian (Kerchenskiy poluostrov) [Household and residential structures of the Saltovo-Mayaki settlement on the Artezian settlement (Kerch Peninsula)]. In: L.V. Fedotova (ed.), Nauka, obrazovanie, kul’tura. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 25-y godovshchine Komratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 4 fevralya 2016 [Science, education, culture. Materials of the International scientifi c-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Comrat State University, February 4th 2016]. II. Comrat, 175–183.

Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2016b: Saltovo-mayatskoe poselenie na gorodishche Artezian (kratkiy obzor po rezul'tatam issledovaniy 1989–2010 gg.) [Saltovo-Mayaki settlement on the Artezian settlement (a brief review of the results of studies 1989–2010)]. Khazarskiy al’manakh [Khazar Almanac] 14, 82–124.

Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2016d: Tsentral'nyy uchastok saltovo-mayatskogo poseleniya na gorodishche Artezian (po itogam issledovaniy na raskope III v 2002–2010 gg.) [The central part of the Saltovo-Mayaki site on the Artezian settlement (investigation of the Trench III in 2002–2010)]. Bosporskie issledovaniya [Bosporos Studies] XXXIII, 266–300.

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Vinokurov, N.I., Ponamarev, L.Yu. 2016zh: K voprosu o khristianizatsii saltovo-mayatskogo naseleniya Kerchenskogo poluostrova (po materialam raskopok na gorodishche Artezian) [Concerning the Christianization of the Saltovo-Mayaki population of the Kerch Peninsula (based on the Artezian settlement excavations)]. In: D.A. Moiseev (ed.), IV Bakhchisarayskie nauchnye chteniya pamyati E.V. Veymarna (g. Bahchisaray, 8–9 sentyabrya 2015 g.). Tezisy dokladov i soobshcheniy. Bahchisaray, 8–9 [IVth Bakhchisaray scientifi c E.V. Veimarn’s Memorial Readings (Bakhchisaray, 8–9 September 2015). Abstracts]. Bakhchisaray.

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