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The article is devoted to further research on the organization of the Tauric Chersonesos chora. It is concluded that the Chersonesos land division system, which was using the aroura, was based Egyptian land surveying canons. A square of 16 aroura was another important module, hectorygos – a civil land lot. Both modules were used throughout the Chersonesos land (on the near chora on the Heraclean Peninsula and on the far chora in the North-Western Crimea), but nowhere else in the Greek world have they been recorded for dividing the land into plots. The inscription IOSPE I² 403 shows the area of the plots expressed in hectorygoi, arouras and planting rows equal to 1/16 aroura. An analysis of the character of the IOSPE I2 403 inscription together with the decryption of archival aerial photographs of the chora on the Heraclean Peninsula made it possible to establish that the inscription was a cadaster of vineyards in the coastal part of the Heraclean Peninsula, securing the inheritance lease rights of these lands. The inscription IOSPE I² 403 is a valuable document refl ecting the important changes that have occurred with the chora and Chersonesian society at the turn of the 4th – 3rd centuries BC. By the beginning of the 3rd century BC the initial structure of the Chersonesian chora, refl ecting the social equality of the fi rst settlers, was replaced by large private estates, which marked the transformation of viticulture into a state-controlled commodity industry. In the 3rd century BC the system of organization of Chersonesian allotments has changed as a result of changes in the polis equality of citizens, which was refl ected in the expansion of private land ownership to the detriment of the former collective land ownership.


Tauric Chersonesos, Heracleian peninsula, chora, Chersonesian inscription IOSPE I² 403, cadastre, archival aerial photos, hekatorygos, civic land allotment, units of area measurement, aroura, field strip.

Tatiana N. Smekalova

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia;

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia

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