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The article deals with rare bronze vessels of the last quarter of the 2nd – third quarter of the 1st century BC from the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia. These include ladles with horizontal (Peschate type) and vertical handles, a beaker of the Idrija type, a jug of Gallarate type, pans of Aylesford types, some types of basins and askoi, a crater (Eggers 94 type), just about a dozen vessels. Bronze vessels of the Late Republican types prevail in the Lower Don region, where their concentration is comparable to the concentration of fi nds of such vessels on the right bank of the Kuban in its delta. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that a signifi cant part of their fi nds in Asian Sarmatia originate not from the Lower Don region, but from two burial complexes in the Lower Volga area: burial no. 8 in the Burial-mound no. 55/1954 of the Kalinovka necropolis and burial no. 1/1984 near the village of Kosika, not to forget the discovery of an Ayslesford-type pan in the neighboring grave no. 2. Further to the east, in the Trans-Volga region and in the South Urals, bronze Late Republican vessels are unknown. According to the concentration of bronze vessels of Late Republican types in one burial, the complexes from Kalinovka and Kosika may be compared with the destroyed burial in the Burial-mound near Elitnyy Farmstead in the Kuban region and show a strong similarity with the concentration of fi nds of the same types in some burials (especially nos. 3, 4, 6, 7) of the Ornavasso-San Bernardo burial-ground in Northern Italy. Further, data are given that in the Transcaucasia, in the North Caucasus, in the Central Ciscaucasia and in the Kuban region, there are already known 4 examples of jugs of the Piatra Neamț type and one of the Ornavasso-Kerumgaard type. An attempt is made to interpret the appearance of vessels of the Late Republican types in the Kuban, Lower Don and Lower Volga regions. Although, given the distribution of such vessels in Sarmatia, one cannot exclude the possibility of their distribution via Tanais and the centers of the Asian Bosporus during the time of Mithridates VI stay in the Bosporus, nevertheless, the hypothesis, which has been repeatedly suggested, that bronze vessels of the Late Republican period were spread in connection with the participation of the Sarmatians in the troops of Mithridates VI and Pharnaces II in their campaigns to Asia Minor seems equally possible. A certain part of the vessels of the Late Republican types could have been acquired by the Sarmatians as a result of military clashes with the German squads, which penetrated deep into the territory of Eastern Europe in the second half of the 1st century BC.


Bronze vessels of the Late Republican types: Pescate, Gallarate, Idrija, Aylesford, Piatra Neamț, Ornavasso-Kerumgaard, Asian Sarmatia, Don, Kuban, Lower Volga regions, Central Ciacaucasia, Transcaucasia, Mithridates VI, Pharnaces II.

Mikhail Yu. Treister

German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany

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