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The process of translational migration, which began in the 8th century BC, continues until about the 3rd century BC, when the climatic determinant acquires not a direct, but an indirect principle of infl uence. Most likely, this is due to the fact that due to global climatic progressive fl uctuations occurring within the framework of continental macroregions as a result of prolonged sociocultural and economic adaptation, the world of a nomadic and settled agricultural civilization, as well as the main algorithm for their interaction, has fi nally formed. The adaptation of the steppe community was aimed at the socio-cultural integration of large tribal associations, the creation of balanced routes for cyclic seasonal nomadic movements and the formation of the borders of pastoral nomadic provinces. The intensity of these processes was directly proportional not only to negative climatic changes (cooling and aridization), but also to the foreign policy centralization process taking place in the neighboring Chinese-agricultural civilization. The most effective in this regard was the nomadic confederation of the Huns-Huns, which the Great Shanuy Mode transformed into the fi rst centralized nomadic empire.


Nomadic civilization, migrations, nomads, climate, determinism.

Institute of History and Archaeology Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg; South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

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