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In the article new directions in the methodology of studying of the burial monuments of the Asian Bosporus are under consideration, allowing to give more objective interpretation of the burial rites. Long study of the funeral monuments of the Asian Bosporus led to the accumulation of a large amount of information that needs to be systematized, which led to the need for improved methods for processing archaeological material. Funeral traditions are very diffi cult to adequately interpret only with reliance on archaeological artifacts without involving other sources (written, epigraphic, monuments of fi ne art, etc.). However, traditionally in archaeological works only certain aspects of the funeral rite are considered and narrowly focused approaches. Currently, more and more researchers consider the most promising integrated approach with the mandatory correct implementation of ethnographic analogies and anthropology methods, which is very productive for resolving controversial issues in this area. It helps to take into account various factors infl uencing the formation of ritual traditions: chronological, social, religious, ethnic, etc.

No less difficult is the processing and systematization of a suffi ciently voluminous archaeological material accumulated over the years of excavation. The percentage ratio method traditionally used in many archaeological works is not always effective due to the impossibility of applying it to small samples and subjectivity in the selection of features when interpreting archaeological material. The development of technology contributed to the introduction of multivariate analysis methods, including cluster and factor analysis, into archaeological science in the early 1970s. The interpretation of the results of a multivariate analysis of burial monuments was signifi cantly facilitated by an innovative technique based on the use of interpreter signs in the source matrices. It is offered to use the complex approach, including alongside with the traditional archaeological methods the methods of the multivariate mathematical analysis.


Asian Bosporus, archaeological excavations, burial rite, factor-analysis, clusteranalysis.

Alexander N. Berlizov

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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