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The paper deals with the letters of A.A. Bobrinsky, the chairman of the Imperial Archaeological Commission, and K.E. Dumberg and V.V. Shkorpil, the directors of the Kerch Museum of antiquities, written to V.V. Latyshev. These documents are concerning various issues of discoveries, acquisitions, interpretation and study of the epigraphy found in the south of the Russian Empire in 1892–1910. Through analysis of this valuable source, it becomes possible to fi nd previously unknown details of the organization and conduct of archaeological excavations in the North Black Sea Region, and to trace the sources of archaeological collections, as well as to identify features of the research and methodical work with such category of archaeological fi nds, as epigraphic monuments and ceramic stamps.


Epigraphy, Bosporan Kingdom, history of archaeological study, V.V. Latyshev, history of science, archival documents.

Evgenia G. Zastrozhnova

Saint Petersburg Branch of Archive of Russian Academy Science, Saint Petersburg, Russia

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