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This article deals with documents from the Scientifi c Archives of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS illustrating the creation history of the Corpus of Ancient Inscriptions from the Northern Black Sea Littoral – Inscriptiones orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini (IOSPE). The publication of a corpus of Black Sea inscriptions was fi rst proposed by Ivan Stempkovskiy in 1823. By the beginning of the 1870s, a number of important epigraphic corpora had been published in Germany. Against this background, considering also the intensifi - cation of the archaeological studies of ancient sites of Crimea and Taman Peninsula, the issuing of a corpus of Black Sea inscriptions has become an urgent necessity.

The paper shows the transformation of the original idea of Avraham Harkavy, who in 1876 proposed to publish a corpus similar to August Boeckh’s Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum which, according to his project, would include inscriptions of diverse types: lapidary inscriptions, ceramic stamps, graffi ti, dipinti and coins. The texts of the documents that have not been published yet in full allow us to trace back the history of the discussions of the question of IOSPE publication and the chronology of the decisions concerned this subject. Initially, the Russian Archaeological Society commissioned the publication of the corpus of inscriptions by Avraham Harkavy in cooperation with Feodor Sokolov and Ivan Pomyalovskiy and recommended to include into the collection Greek inscriptions not only from Crimea and Taman but also from the Caucasus. Subsequently, when, for various reasons, A. Harkavy and then also F. Sokolov and I. Pomyalovskiy recused themselves from participation in this work, at the suggestion of F. Sokolov the publication of IOSPE was entrusted to his disciple Vasiliy Latyshev.


South Russian lapidary inscriptions, Greek epigraphy, Vasyliy Latyschev, the Northern Black Sea.

Natalia A. Pavlichenko

Institute for the History of Material Culture, RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

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