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The article analyzes the data of archaeological excavations in the territory of ancient Latium and Rome, which give us the opportunity to restore some aspects of the development of settlements and cities in the region of Central Italy. The author concludes that in the 8th – 6th centuries BC in Latium there was a process of formation of cities, which was manifested in large-scale stone construction (Gabii, Fidenae, Rome). During this period, special attention was paid to the construction of public buildings and structures (temples, houses of rulers, walls, water supply, sewerage), which indicated serious changes in the socio-economic and political life of the city. At the same time, the author notes that the formation of cities in Latium went in the context of the Italian cultural koine, and it is possible to trace the impact of its neighbors, and especially the Greeks and Etruscans on the urban planning of Latium.


Ancient Rome, Latium, archaeological excavations, Fidenae, Gabii, Rome

Lyudmila M. Shmeleva

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

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