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The paper concerns an armament of the Nomads during the Great Migration period (the 4th – 6th centuries AD) in the Ural-Kazakhstan steppes. There were ethic and cultural changes in this period, which were related to the disappearance of the Hunnic-Sarmatian Culture (Late Sarmatian) and arrival of a new type of sites - the kurgans with “moustache”. It can be clearly seen through spreading new forms of armament that were discovered in the kurgans with “moustache” – Solonchanka I, Sultantemirovskiy, Gorodishenskoe IX, Izhevskiy-2, Atasu-2, Koktal, Zevakino.

The armament of this time is represented by long-distance weaponry (arrowheads, composite bows, archery belts with quiver hooks) and weaponry for close combat (spearheads, daggers and swords). The arrowheads – mostly three-blade stemmed rhombus-shaped – were widely spread since the Hunnic epoch in Eurasia. A composite bow and archery belts with a buckle in the form of a quiver hook can be considered as innovation. Along with them, bladed weapons: a dagger and a sword (a broadsword?) were in use. The most of the artefacts has analogies in the Southern Siberia and Central Asia sites in the fi rst half of the fi rst millennium AD (Kokel, Bulan-Kobinskaya cultures). Spreading this complex of armament towards the West took place in the end of the 4th – 5th centuries AD as a result of the nomads migration from the East and it can be traced in some of Hunnic sites (Mertvye Soli, Kyzyl-Adyr, Ust’-Alma, Novogrigor’evka, Makartet, Kubey and so on), and, in the Ural-Kazakhstan steppes – in the kurgans with “moustache”. The initial place of new migrants was, most probably, Dzungarian plain.


Archaeology, Middle Ages, Great Migration, kurgan with “moustaсhe“, armament, arrowheads, quiver hook, migrations.

Ivan V. Grudochko

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

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