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The article presents a preliminary osteometric study of a series of very poor preservation, originating from the Necropolis of Volna 1 (the Taman peninsula), dated from the 6th–3rd centuries BC. This is a continuation of the fi rst part, in which a craniometric characterization was carried out, based only on the signs of the frontal-parietal region of the skull. The large number of studied transverse dimensions of long bones resulted in an intergroup and within-group comparison, relying only on the index describing the shape of the diaphysis. The comparison was made, based both on pairwise contrast of features describing the shape of the diaphysis, and using the polygon method, which allowed illustrating the results more clearly. It was shown that the greatest similarity with the population who left the burial Volna 1 reach the series originating from the burial ground of the Old Korsun settlement 2, dating from the 2nd – 1st centuries BC. The authors have made an attempt to work on an individual level, also based only on index of the long bones transverse dimensions. The intergroup analysis has made it possible to assume the presence of at least three population groups. The archaeological material previously confi rmed the data. The result allows talking about a strong underestimation of the index describing the shape of the diaphysis.

In addition, the paper draws attention to some methodological points. For example, in conditions of poor preservation, when the transverse dimensions are greater than the longitudinal it is important to publish data on entire skeletons in separate tables. The experience of measuring skeletons in situ is also described. The attention is focused on the almost complete absence of osteometric studies of the series originating from the southern regions of Russia, which at this stage of the study led to the impossibility of intergroup comparison by the longitudinal dimensions of long bones.


Asian Bosporus, Kuban, anthropology, archaeology, paleoanthropology, osteometry, early iron age, antiquity.

Aleksandra N. Abramova

Volgograd State University, Volgograd; Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological named museum-Reserve after E.D. Felitsyn, Russia

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