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2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Alekseyevich Vladimirov (1869–1947), the famous Russian and Soviet painter, the cool artist of the fi rst degree of Imperial Academy of Arts, the Honored worker of arts of RSFSR. He was one of the enthusiasts along with professional researchers at the origins of scientifi c archaeological Caucasus studies.

In 1896–1900, I.A. Vladimirov carried out investigations and excavation of archeological sites of the widest cultural and chronological range, from the Bronze Age barrows to mountain crypts-keshene of the 17th century, in the territory of the modern republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia and also Krasnodar Territory.

In 1899–1900, I.A. Vladimirov conducted prospecting archaeological researches of a number of ancient Christian sites (the Sentinsky temple, the temple on the Amgata River, church in Khosta) and also fortress in the neighborhood of Sochi. The particular page not only in I.A. Vladimirov’s activity, but also in all North Caucasian archeology, is made by the researches of a remarkable monument of the Byzantine architecture conducted by the artist at the request of the Imperial Archaeological Commission in 1899 in the North Caucasus, i.e. the Sentinsky temple of the 10th century during which he compiled the detailed description of the temple and the mausoleums near it, and performed the color copies of frescos which are stored nowadays in IIMK RAS archive.

Conducted by I. A. Vladimirov in 1896–1900 studies on the completeness and accuracy of the description and fi xing of archaeological objects for its time, can be called exemplary.


Archaeology, North Caucasus, funeral monuments, Christian temples, Artist Ivan Alekseyevich Vladimirov.

Inga A. Druzhinina, Victor N. Chkhaidze

Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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