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The paper presents the results of the fi eld work carried out by the team of researches from the R.G. Kuzeev Institute for Ethnological Studies, Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre RAS, on the territory of the Burayevsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2018. The Udmurt village of Asavtamak, which existed according to archive materials in the 18th – early 19th centuries, became the object of the archaeological and ethnographic study. Available written and cartographic sources allowed studying the main stages of the settlement’s history at a specifi ed time, and the ethnographic data collected during the survey allowed to determine its location.

During the archaeological study of the territory of the left bank of the Asavka River at the place where in the 18th - early 19th centuries allegedly there was a disappeared Udmurt village, a cultural layer was identifi ed, part of the fi nds from which belongs to the indicated time. To the east of this site archeological material was collected, i.e. ceramics of the Bakhmutino culture of the early medieval period. The material revealed during archaeological intelligence is correlated on the one hand with cartographic, archival and ethnographic data. At the same time, the fi ndings raise the question of the use by the Udmurts of earthenware, earthenware and porcelain tableware, information about which is missing in the historical and ethnographic literature. In general, it can be said that the study of traditional culture and the settlement of the Udmurts through the integration of archeology and ethnography will signifi cantly expand the knowledge about the process of their cultural genesis and economic activity in the past.


Archaeological exploration; ethnoarchaeology, Bakhmutino culture, cultural layer, Udmurt village, legends; archival documents, historical maps; New time, early Middle Ages.

Аl’bert T. Аkhatov, Ehl’vir V. Kamaleev, Ranus R. Sadikov

R.G. Kuzeev Institute for Ethnological Studies fa Federal Research Centre RAS, Ufa, Russia

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