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In recent decades, spatial (that is connected with space) issues have become increasingly popular in Classical studies. “Spatial modus” was extremely signifi cant, in particular, for Ancient Greek historians as well. Of the latter, the author is interested in their very fi rst group – early Ionian historians of Late Archaic and Early Classical period, Herodotus’ predecessors.

The greatest and brightest fi gure among them, standing sharply out of the rest, is undoubtedly Hecataeus of Miletus. One of the two Hecataeus’ works, “The Description of the Earth”, was in its content both geographical and historical. There is a suffi ciently large number of fragments from it.

Lots of the fragments are brief and very dull pieces of pure information. However, of more interest are those fragments, which are not so brief but somewhat more detailed. The article presents and comments on a number of such fragments from “Europe” – the fi rst book of the above-mentioned treatise.


Ancient Greece, space, spatial categories, the earliest historians, geography, Hecataeus of Miletus, “The Description of the Earth”, “Europe”, fragments.

Igor E. Surikov

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Russian State

University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

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