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The paper deals with the sacral role of the Great King’s Wife in the context of the ideology of the second half of the Eighteength dynasty, particularly during the reigns of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). The author believes that the sacral role of the King’s Wife consists of two interconnected aspects: the cultic and ceremonial aspect and the theological one. The main attention of the study is paid to the revealing of possible ideological premises of the unprecedented rise of principal female representatives of the Royal Family, Queens Tiyi and Nefertity. The main evidence of the important position of both Queens is mainly attested not only by new elements of their iconography, but also by their titles and epithets. The overview of available fi gurative and epigraphic sources related to Tiyi let to conclude the direct connection between the offi cial manner of representation of the Royal couple as a divine couple and new theological tendencies in the Egyptian religion under Amenhotep III.

According to the author’s point of view, the “new solar theology” developed during the second part of Amenhotep III’s reign with its specifi c concentration on the idea of the supreme solar deity. It was a starting point of radical sun-worshipping reform of Akhenaten. In this context, the unusually important position and the sacral role of Nefertity is viewed as a consequence of further development of theological thought of the preceding reign. Thus, some symbolic elements of Nefertity’s iconography (especially of the early years of Akhenaten’s reign) allow talking about a continuity to some degree of ideological traditions characteristic for Amenhotep III’s time. In connection with the hypothesis concerning the presumed adaptation by Akhenaten of the ancient Heliopolitan cosmogony the question of Nefertity divine status in the Amarnian theological system is also raised.


Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, Amenhotep III, Tiyi, Akhenaten, Nefertity, Ancient Egyptian religion, ideology of Kingship, Queenship.

Vladimir A. Bolshakov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

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