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The article shows the results of a study of an archaeological site Boyarin-6 (Russky Island, the south of the Primorsky region, Russian Far East). The excavation of the site in 2013 has shown the existence of the Early Iron Age (the Yankovskaya culture), the late Neolithic (the early stage of the Zaisanovka culture) and the middle Neolithic (the Boisman culture) deposits. The Boisman culture artifacts were mostly found in a shell-midden which was formed in the middle Neolithic. All 82 fl otation samples were obtained from the shell-midden using the bucket fl otation technic. The analyzed fl otation collection contains carbonised carpoids (seeds and fruits of plants) and wood from layers which belong to the Boisman culture only. Ubiquity of found in the collection carpoids is extremely low. We can fi nd correlation of only 13 seeds/fragments with the Boisman cultural. Three of them were identifi ed as two seeds of violet (Viola sp.) and the seed of goosefooot (Chenopodium sp.). Four seeds belong to unidentifi ed plants of serge (cf. Cyperaceae), chenopod (Chenopodiaceae), legumes (cf. Fabaceae), cereals (Poaceae) families. As for the last one, it does not belong to a cultural plant, according to its size and morphology. Our archaeobotanical research of the Boisman culture’s shell-midden on Boyarin-6 site demonstrates the low content of the ancient plant remains that obviously was a result of a quite fast formation of such type deposits.


Archeology of the Far East, archaeological site Boyarin-6, middle Neolithic (the Boisman culture), the late Neolithic (the early stage of the Zaisanovka culture), Early Iron Age (the Yankovskaya culture), shell-midden, archaeobotanical research, violet (Viola sp.), goosefoot (Chenopodium sp.)

Alexander N. Popov, Elena A. Sergusheva, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Boris V. Lazin, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far East Branch RAS, Vladivostok, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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