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The article discusses belt items found during the excavations of a number of monuments of the settlement in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The base source were the materials of Novo-Turbaslynski II, Kushnarenkovski, Romanovski II, Yangantauski villages, Kuvikovski, Uyandykski hill-forts and the ancient settlement Ufa-I. Morphology, typology, dating and analogies for belt garniture have been analyzed. A signifi cant part of the products has numerous analogies both in the Urals and far beyond. Kuvikovski settlement buckle due to the notches on the tongue is close to the Crimean specimens of buckles common in 5th–7th centuries, which are the vestiges of zoomorphic motivations in the form of animal heads, and the tip with Novo-Turbaslinski II settlement is identical to the Crimean discovery from A. L. Berthier-Garde’s collection dating from the second half of the 7th century. A number of belt garniture items is present as product of the “heraldic” style, which is widely used in the Eurasian areas in 6th–7th centuries (Kushnarenkovo, Romanovka, Yangantau). To the belt garniture from the burial made in the rampart of the Uyandyk settlement, the closest analogies were found in the well-known treasure from Sarkel. The analysis of the considered category of fi nds once again confirms the existence of stable relations between the population of the Urals and the Black sea, the Northern Caucasus, the Kama Region and Western Siberia in the early middle ages.


Archaeology, Early Middle Ages, belt set, morphology, typology, dating.

Olga S. Belyavskaya

Institution of History, Language and Literature of Ufa Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Science, Ufa, Russia

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