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The article is devoted to the fi nds of Roman military equipment, discovered by archaeological missions during recent 15 years in the rural area of Chersonesus. The work does not include material from the nearest points of the Roman military base, because it deserves special attention. On the one hand, published artifacts provide evidence for the Roman military presence in the rear of their positions on the Heraclean Peninsula Isthmus, but the other hand, a paucity of this fi nds gives an idea about a small body of roman contingents dislocated in this region. It is important to note, that a four fi nds from six published, in South-Western Taurica detected for the fi rst time. Among them, two iron catapult bolt-heads from the farmhouses 197 and 343. Thanks to these fi ndings, it is only now possible to say with confi dence that the catapultshooter, better known as the “scorpion”, was in the arsenal of the Roman troops stationed in South-West Taurica. The fact of the discovery of the pelta-shape belt plate from excavations at the Bezymyannaya height adds confi dence that this could be the location of the Roman troops. But not only on the settlement monuments there are fi nds of Roman military equipment: in this way, strap terminal was found at the plot 86, and a rare belt distributor of headstall near the farmhouse 318 was found. With the exception of hook-button of the 1st century from the farmhouse 328 Southern, all presented fi nds date back to the 2nd – 3rd centuries AD, which almost proportionally corresponds to the chronological distribution of the fi nds of Roman military equipment from the territory of the Chersonesus and the South-West of Taurica.


Chersonesus Taurica, Roman Empire, Roman army, Roman military equipmen t

Valentin V. Doroshko

State Museum-Preserve “Chersonesesus Taurica”, Sevastopol, Russia

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