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The article discusses Roman glass vessels of the mid-1st to mid-3rd centuries AD from the Sarmatian burials of the Volga-Don interfluve, the Lower Volga region and the Southern Urals. In general, it is possible to note the prevalence of the vessels of drinking forms (beakers, phialai, and a drinking horn). Much less often occur jugs or there were found vessels of closed shapes, represented by fragments, which could refer to an amphora or a jug, as well as to an amphoriskos or a bottle. The free blown vessels, including richly decorated specimens, painted with enamel paints or with the decoration of overlaid threads, are predominant.

It is obvious that the vessels had different origin, they are products of the workshops of the Eastern Mediterranean and Egypt, as well as of the Western provinces. The latter items are especially characteristic for the Late Sarmatian burials. Most of the vessels date from the late 2nd to the 3rd centuries AD. Earlier vessels (dated up to the middle of the 2nd century AD) are rare, and in two cases they were already antique objects at the time of the burial, as they were found in the burials of the 3rd century AD.

With the exception of one find in the Volga Don interfl uvial area, the glass vessels found in the Volga area, are concentrated in the territory of the forest-steppe zone of the Volga right bank in Saratov region. It is noteworthy that, in comparison with the Volga region, much more glass vessels were found in the Southern Urals, where they are concentrated in the basin of the Ural and Ilek rivers, while one of the fi nds, the farthest east, originates from the Southern Trans-Urals. Thus, the density of imports was not determined by proximity to the Black Sea centers.


Roman glass vessels, Asian Sarmatia, Lower Volga, South Urals, free blown glass, enamel painted, thread, facetted and engraved decoration, workshops of Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Western provinces of the Roman Empire

Mikhail Yu. Treister

German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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