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The paper deals with a group of eleven bronze and billon mirrors found in the Dagestan early medieval burial grounds (Arkas, Galla, Khlyut, Aghachkala, Kurkli, Akhalchi, Khunzakh, Duranghi, Dusrakh, Botlikh, Khuty). Other grave goods allow dating listed burials and mirrors to the 6th to 10th centuries AD. Unlike widespread mirrors with geometrical solar symbols, these mirrors bear the stylized images of reptiles (lizard and snake) and insect (scolopendra) on their back side. An image of snake is represented on a mirror found in Botlikh. Three only bronze mirrors with similar image were found outside Dagestan in the early medieval burial grounds of Verkhne-Saltovsky IV necropolis (Kharkov Region, Ukraine) and Dargavs and Zmeysky (both in Northern Ossetia) catacomb burial grounds. Concentration and topography of fi nds the mirrors in Dagestan and their rare fi nds outside this territory allow considering the early medieval Serir state was the main area of their production. On the other hand, the fi nds of similar mirrors in the territory of historic Alania, in the Alani catacombs, should be probably considered in a context of Alani-Serir political and cultural contacts. It is generally known that the mirrors were sacral items closely connected with the funeral ideology. The chthonic images (reptiles and insects) represented on this group of mirrors emphasize their connection with ideas of the other, underground, lower world. The emergence of such images on the mirrors has been caused by close ties of Dagestan with the Sasanian Iran in the religious and ideological spheres, as well as by the infl uence of the Zoroastrian religion in which these chthonic images appear as hrafstra, i.e. harmful creatures connected with the world of darkness, the generation of “full of the death” Ahriman.


Archaeology, Early Middle Ages, Dagestan, burial grounds, bronze mirrors, zoomorphic images, chthonic creatures.

Murtazali S. Gadzhiev. Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientifi c Center of RAS, Makhachkala, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shamil O. Davudov. LLC Archaeological Society of Kuban, Rostov-on- Don, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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