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The article presents a part of the results of the study of the craniological series of very poor preservation, originating from the necropolis of Volna 1, which is located near Taman and dates back to the 6th – 3rd centuries. BC. Today, the site is one of the most interesting and studied in the Asian Bosporus, which predetermined a scrupulous approach to its paleoanthropological research. Almost 80 skulls (58 males and 21 females) were partially restored. Despite the incompleteness and poor preservation of this craniological series, relying only on signs of the fronto-parietal region of the cerebral skull, it was possible to show that the closest analogies to it are the skull series from the necropolis of Phanagoria of the 3rd century BC to the 4th century AD and skulls from the necropolis of the Kobyakovsky settlement. It is probably possible to make a preliminary conclusion about the presence of a Meotian or Meoto-Sarmatian component in the Volna 1 Settlement. This anthropological similarity was revealed based on pairwise comparisons of the values of the signs of the frontal-parietal region using bivariant graphs. The work confi rmed that this area is quite informative and can be used to study the skulls of poor preservation in a comparative aspect. In addition, the work focuses on the methods of studying skeletal remains of poorly preserved, which is extremely important for the South of Russia. In connection with the widespread practice of re-burial of anthropological collections without complex paleoanthropological research, a huge amount of historical and biological data is annually lost. According to the authors, an integrated paleoanthropological approach based on the use of all the methods developed by physical anthropology today is designed to ensure not only the most complete study of each fossil series, but also help to preserve unique historical information with the obviously poor preservation of bones. The authors insist that the latter circumstance should not lead to the abandonment of complex paleoanthropological work.


Physical anthropology, archaeology, paleoanthropology, craniometry, neurocranium, early Iron Age, antiquity, Asian Bosporus, Prikubane.

Aleksandra N. Abramova. Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Denis V. Pezhemsky. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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