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The article discusses the issue of assessing the productivity of cereal in the main areas of the Bosporan Kingdom. The most appropriate benchmark for such assessments is the recognized crop yields obtained by local farmers. A good example here is large Russian pre-revolutionary agriculture statistics on the yield of cereals. This data allowed restoring the yields of the three main crops (winter and spring wheat, barley) for 1870-1915 in the Eastern Crimea (European Bosporus) and the lower reaches of Kuban (Asian Bosporus). The analysis of indicated series of productivity made it possible to propose more reliable quantitative estimates of yields for the classical time.


Bosporan Kingdom, European Bosporus, Asian Bosporus, agriculture, crop yield, agricultural statistics

Gennady P. Garbuzov

Federal Research Centre, Southern Scientifi c Centre of RAS, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

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