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Mongol roots as well as the name “Kalmak” are often met in the Russian onomastics of the 16th century and among toponyms of the Volga region, Southern Urals, South-Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. There are widespread onyms with the “Kalmak” root and the names of Mongolian origin in tribe names and geographical names of the Southern Urals and in other territories. Mongol roots were quite common in Russian onomastics of the 16th century (in the toponyms of the Volga, Ural, Kazakhstan), as well as the names and titles “Kalmak”. The onyms with the root “Kalmak” and the names of mongolian origin are widespread in the composition of grammatical genders, names and geographical names of the southern Urals, South-Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Volga region. There are the sources in which the evidence of the Kalmaks in the Volga region and to the east from it preceded the appearance the Oirat-Kalmaks in the 15th –17th centuries. The sources of the 15th–16th centuries have numerous mentions of the Kalmaks of the previous time to the East from the Volga River. There is reason to believe that the descendants of the Golden Horde, the Kalmaks, preserved the Mongolian traditions, pagan religion and perhaps the language. The pagans Kalmaks could survive away from the Metropolitan centers and have left their trace in toponyms and etnonyms of Bashkortostan.


The Kalmaks, the Oirat, Mongolian, toponyms, anthroponyms, ethnonyms, Ural, Bashkortostan, the Volga region, the 15th–16th centuries

Igor I. Dremov

Regional Centre of Ecology, the Study of Local Lore and Tourism, Saratov, Russia

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