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The article discusses one of the aspects of the reception of ancient heritage in the history and culture of Russia – a question of the reception of antiquity in education. The author pays attention to modern interpretations of the meaning of the term “reception” and its classifi cation. In relation to the process of the reception of ancient heritage in the history and culture of Russia, the author proceeds from the statement that the reception of antiquity in Russia had a pragmatic nature, i.e., it was used in the field of functioning of state institutions and in the education system. The guides of the antique heritage in Russia were the classical languages, which were a basic part of the curriculum in grammar schools. Reforms of the education system, and public discussions on education in Russia were always devoted to a measure of the presence of classical languages in the curriculum content, and this measure always depended on the general political situation in the country. The ideological justifi cation of the presence of classical languages in the educational process was provided with the activities of S.S. Uvarov, P.M. Leontyev, M.N. Katkov and other state and public fi gures and Russian scholars of the 19th century. At the same time, they considered classicism as the way of formation of the conservative ideology of the Imperial statehood and the education of youth in a conservative spirit. Despite the fact that “classicism” did not have any intention to introduce students to the world of ancient culture, regular classes in ancient languages turned out to be an incentive for deeper and more thorough study of ancient heritage by many students. Graduates of schools were fl uent in two ancient languages and had suffi cient knowledge of the foundations of ancient culture. There is no doubt that the outstanding achievements of classical philology of the end of 19th - beginning of the 20th century are directly related to the school classicism in Russia. The classicism attributed to the development of historical science, including the scientifi c researches of historians in the fi eld of classical studies.


The heritage of antiquity, reception, classicism, S.S. Uvarov, P. M. Leontyev, M.N. Katkov, conservative ideology

Maria P. Samoylova

Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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