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The article is devoted to the history of archaeological studies of Phanagorian sacral complexes – the largest center of the Asian part of the Bosporan Kingdom founded in the 540s BC. The chronological scope of the article covers the gap from the 19th to the early 21st century. From the very beginning Phanagoria was built according to a single plan – there were erected large public buildings, temples, planning of quarters and streets had been laid since the time of the city’s foundation. As for many other regions of ancient Greece, the situation with the study of the sanctuaries of Phanagoria is not simple. Now only 1% of the total area of the settlement has been excavated. In the main, only parts of the cult complexes have been discovered and investigated. In connection with the degree of archaeological study of Phanagoria we can classify Phanagorian sanctuaries as sanctuaries of regional signifi cance (Apatur), city sanctuaries (located on the acropolis: the apsidal building from 1979-1980 excavations, object 123, «temple in antis» from 2013 and 2016 excavations located in the city, but not on the acropolis) and the suburban sanctuaries (sanctuary on the Mayskaya mountain), as well as a number of public buildings that probably had cult functions (objects 300, 464, etc.). Nevertheless, even the available data allow us to say that the structure of ritual actions and the organization of the sacral process in Phanagoria looked no different from its organization in the city-states of the Balkan Greece, Asia Minor, and other regions of the Hellenic world.


Classical archaeology, Northern Black Sea Coast, Bosporan Kingdom, Phanagoreia, history of archaeological study

Yulia N. Shorunova

State Historical Museum-Preserve «Phanagoria», Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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