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The article focuses on the earliest building remains of the Late Scythian settlements in the North-Western Crimea. In the region, eight Late-Scythian settlements were excavated: Kalos Limen, Tarpanchi, Kulchuk, Belyaus, Yuzhno-Donuzlavskoe, Chayka, Kerkinitis and Kara-Tobe. The sites have been investigated unevenly; the buildings are in a bad condition. The construction remains mainly have to be considered within the period between the mid / third quarter of the II century – the middle of the 1st century BC. Only in two cases, it is possible reliably to identify structures of pre-Mithridatic period (Kalos Limen, Belyaus). The remains of the Mithridatic period can be recognized only in one case (Kara-Tobe).

The Late Scythian settlements were smaller than the predating Greek city-sites. Almost all Late Scythian settlements were fortifi ed. Preserved Greek buildings were actively used. The construction techniques are similar: defensive walls were built of large stones and more carefully; masonry of residential buildings was irregular of small rough stones, in the grounds the stones set on edge were often used. There are two types of building systems. The fi rst type is reinforcement, reparation and adaptation of the earlier Greek houses and fortifi cations (Kalos Limen, Belyaus, Kulchuk (?), citadel of the Chayka, Kara-Tobe). The second type is construction of multi-room houses and building of new fortifi cations (Tarpanchi (?), Yuzhno-Donuzlavskoe, Chayka, Kerkinitis). These types probably represent successive stages in the development of Late Scythian settlements. At the same time, the stages may not be synchronous at different sites; they probably refl ect the stages of development of individual settlements.


The North-Western Crimea, late Scythians, Scythian economy, Crimean Scythia

Egor E. Antonov

Institute Archaeology Russian Academy of Science, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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