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Lucus Ferentinae was the place of worship for the goddess Ferentina, who was associated with water and water resources. The Sanctuary of Lucus (Caput) Ferenrinae was located in Latium and was used by the Latins as a meeting point for the allied communities. In this aspect, the sanctuary was mentioned in the sources from the 6th century BC, when political alliances began to form in Latium, and the strengthening of Rome under the Etruscan dynasty took place. The analysis of these sources and archaeological excavations, as well as the concepts of researchers, suggests that the choice of Lucus Ferentinae as the meeting point for representatives of Latin communities was due to the carrying out of irrigation work in Latium during this period. The leading role belonged to Rome, and it was the reason for the main role of Rome in the sanctuary during the meetings. As the place of worship, the Lucus Ferentinae is less well known, the available data allow us to say that it was under the patronage of the goddess Diana, and, therefore, she ensured the safety of participants, which was another important factor in choosing the place of assembly of the Latin Union. The cult side of the lucus or caput aquae Ferentinae was associated with sacrifi ces and traditional cleansing rituals that occurred both in the Sanctuary of Diana in Nemi and in the Ferentine grove. In general, it can be stated that the lucus or caput aquae Ferentinae acts more as the point for gathering Latin Union troops and the meeting pont of the Latin communities.


Early Rome, the Latini, Latium, Latin League, Tarquinius Superbus, Servius Tullius, Lucus Ferentinae, Caput Ferentinae

Lyudmila M. Shmeleva

Каzan Federal University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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