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The article focuses on the analysis of syntactic units as a part of the texts of the inventory books of Middle Russian and North Russian monasteries of the 16th – 19th centuries. Structural and semantic features of the texts are determined by a number of factors: pragmatics (as a set of extralinguistic conditions for the generation of text), ontological properties of the described objects, specifi city of the process of the speech and minding. The inventory book is one of the genres of business writing, the purpose of which was the inventory of movable and immovable monastic property. The annotated work is based on the material of fragments of the descriptive books that fi x and describe the icons.

To solve a specifi c communicative problem, taking into account the peculiarities of the described extra-linguistic situation, certain logical-syntactic structures are selected and superimposed on each other. Analysing the semantic structure of the texts allows us to allot the elements of existential relations and characteristization relations within a single sentence in it. Thus, in the examples studied, two logical-syntactic types are contaminated within the framework of one sentence, due to their deep semantic connection. The consequence of this is a high degree of informational content of these syntactic units.

The contamination of the two types of proposals in the majority of the documents examined is a constant characteristic of the reference books. The linguistic means of expressing one or another of the structural components of a sentence varies depending on the place and time of document creation, but the semantic structure of syntactic units remains unchanged. Since the reference to such logical-syntactic types of sentences as being and characterizations is the only way to verbalize the synchronous signs of a static object, we consider it possible to consider this feature as one of the components of the genre specifi city of the inventory books.


inventory book, genre analysis of text, semantic syntax, semantic structure, logical-syntactic types of sentences

Aleksandra D. Bondareva - Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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