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One of the most complicated and less studied aspects of the Civil war in Russia is its peasant component. The Black Repartition marked the long-term fi ght of Russian peasants for their own land and resulted such events, which can be called only as a peasant war. This war is insuffi ciently studied, despite the fact that the main participants of the events of the Civil war in Russia were the peasants. This article deals with the history of some Crimean self-defense groups during the period of the «Second Crimean Regional Government» (November 1918 – April 1919). This is so-called «partisan detachments», organized by the initiative of Tauric К истории «партизанских отрядов» Таврического отделения 145 Branch of the Russian Union of landowners. Under the situation of destruction of the world order of the Russian Empire self-defense groups of the Union was one of the few non-governmental structures trying to save southern rural territories occupied by Germany (Ukraine and the Crimea) from the chaos of peasant war. Based on previously unused materials of the State Archive of the Republic of Crimea and some other sources, the author estimates the functioning of these groups as a phenomenon in the history of the security service of the Crimean Regional Government and the Armed Forces of South Russia.


Civil War, Crimean Regional Government, Tauride Branch of the Russian Union of landowners, self-defense, partisan detachments, Simferopol cavalry division

Alexander Yu. Butovskiy - Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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