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The authors for the fi rst time publish and make an attempt of attribution of the Egyptian late antique tunic – an undyed linen woven-to-shape tunic with woven-in tapestry decorations from the Late Antique – Early Islamic necropolis at Deir al-Banat (Fayoum). The paper contains technical description of the weaving features as well as description of the composition on the tapestry inserts. The state of preservation of the object allows us to propose graphical reconstruction of the tunic. Two clavi (a width of 5–6 cm and a length of about 77 cm) and front panel woven in tapestry technique have survived. Dionysian motives, i.e. representation of the procession with dancers-warriors are coarsely woven in high-stylized manner on the front panel, clavi and tabulae. Three dancing fi gures of warriors wearing a sword and a vestigial yellow cloak with shields in their left hands are represented inside arcade ornamented with stylized grapevine leaves. The Dionysian motives have particular meaning being symbols of resurrections and fertility. The date of 6th – 7th century AD is proposed for this tunic based on analogies in museum collections. Deir al-Banat tunic is a remarkable example of the Egyptian Early Medieval weaving with its high stylization and intentional carelessness in details and complete compositions.


Late Antique – Early Islamic textiles, Egypt, textile production, ‘Coptic’ textiles, linen tunics, Deir al-Banat, Fayoum

Olga V. Orfi nskaya, Elena G. Tolmacheva - Center for Egyptological Studies RAS, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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