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A medieval minbar is preserved in the Alaaddin Mosque in Konya (the former mosque of Anatolian Seljuk capital), which is a rare example of Muslim wooden pulpit of the pre-Mongol period.

The ornamental decorations and carving techniques of the minbar have become a subject of the art criticism analysis for the fi rst time; they indicate the ways and forms of penetration to Anatolia the techniques and motives of Islamic art of east regions.

The Konya Minbar is one of the few surviving monuments of Seljuk art of the 12th century in Asia Minor. There are some patterns from the architectural decor on its surface formed in various territories of Dar-ul-Islam in the 11th century. A number of monuments shows that the pulpit was a kind of anthology of both motives and methods of interpretation, to which wooden and stone carvers in Anatolia in Seljuk and post-Seljuk period were addressed.

The article contains a description of the minbar’s condition, characterizes carving techniques used to create the decorated surfaces of the pulpit, and deals with peculiarities of its ornamental decoration.


Alaaddin Mosque, Konya, woodwork, Seljuk minbars, Islamic Art

Liliya I. Sattarova

Independent scholar, Turkey, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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