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The article is the study of the history and activities of orthodox monasteries in the town of Tyumen in Siberia in 17th – 18th centuries. The aim of the investigation is to indicate the role and infl uence of the orthodox monasteries activity on the local society in the town of Tyumen. As a result of the study the author came to the conclusion that missionary work in Saint Trinity monastery was most active at the beginning of the 18th century, because of the Siberian Metropolitan Philotheus lived in the monastery and christened about 40 000 inhabitants. The article describes the tremendous activity of Tyumen Saint Trinity monastery: the fi rst school in Tyumen appeared in 1761 in the monastery, as well as the fi rst hospital in 1703. The Uspensky- Alekseevsky Monastery for women (fi rst Ilyinsky) was organized in 1620 and abolished at the end of the 18th century. Unfortunately, there are not many documents in archives describing the monastery life because of lots of fi res in Tyumen in those times.


Russian history, Tyumen, church, monastery, 17th–18th centuries

Alexander V. Trifonov

Tyumen State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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