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The article is the fi rst one in a series devoted to nicknames of well-known people in Greece of pre-Hellenistic time. It is mainly expressed general considerations about the role of nicknames in human societies (including Ancient Greek), relations of nicknames to personal names and divine epithets, terminology of nicknames among the Greeks, possible reasons of not very wide development of the practice of nicknaming in Greece of this period. A nickname is a fundamental phenomenon of the history of culture, and its real signifi cance has not been appreciated yet. Nicknames, in particular, served as means of distinction of individuals within any society. The names of the ancient Greeks always initially reminded nicknames as much as possible. Onomastic units in Greek poleis were mainly meaningful. Nicknames can relate – not from a semantic, but from an emotional point of view – to three basic types. We deal with nicknames of a) a positive, glorious character (“Olympian” as to Pericles”); b) a negative, conjuring character (“Koalemos” – “Simpleton” as to Cimon the Elder); c) a neutral character – those just shows a certain characteristic appearance of an individual (e.g., “One-Eyed”), or some kind of memorable detail of his biography (Hipponicus the “Ammon” in Athens at the turn of the 6th and 5th centuries BC). In pre-Hellenistic time one more interesting thing took place. Nicknames are more often connected not with politicians but with people from cultural spheres – poets, philosophers.


Greece, Archaic and Classical periods, nicknames, names, onomastic studies, cult epithets.

Igor E. Surikov

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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