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This article is devoted to the forecasting by the Egyptians of the important events of their history by means of the fi rst rising of Sirius. In particular, the author examines the papyrus 1116 B recto (The Prophecy of Neferti), a well-known literary work dated to the Middle Kingdom (1991–1785 BC), which is kept in the Hermitage Museum. Having experienced the infl uence of Egypt, ancient people used the rising of this star to predict the major social disasters, crop failure, pestilence and natural disasters. The greater part of the evidence is known from ancient times. However, the Egyptian civilization created the fi rst solar calendar based on the Sirius cycles. Therefore, it is evident that the Egyptians could have been the ones where these predictions could appear for the fi rst time. In particular, such a forecast was presented by a priest of the goddess Bastet Neferti to appeal to the king Snofru (2613–2589 ВC). However why, in that case the Middle Kingdom monument mentions the name of the king of more ancient era, the era of construction of the great pyramids?

The author concludes that tragic events described in this text resemble those that happened at the beginning of the Old Kingdom (2767 BC), when the practice of observations over Sirius’ rising was established in Memphis for the fi rst time. Imhotep, a famous Djoser’s architect, played an important part in this event and became a prototype of the prophecy’s main character.


Ancient Egypt, religion, Nefertiti’s Prophecy, Sirius, Imhotep, Djoser, Snofru

Roman A. Orekhov

Center for Egyptological Studies RAS, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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