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The typology, metrology and denominations of Qarabāgh Khānate’s silver coins are analyzed for the first time in this paper. The author proves that only the second Qarabāgh khān, Ibrahīm Khalīl was able to mint silver coins only in 1792, after the death of the Armenian melic Shahnazar, who had set his father in Shushi. It is established, that the name of the mint of Qarabāgh coins “Panāhābād” is an epithet of the mint place, but not the name of fortress of the village of Shushi. The later tradition of the end of the 19th century connected with the reconsideration of an epithet “Panāhābād” as a toponym due to the need of an explanation of the name of the local coins of a panāhābādī is recorded.

Five types of Qarabāgh silver coins were distinguished. Coins of the first type A were minted in 1794–1798 in two weight standards equal to either 1/8 of Iranian rupee (1.48g) or 1/10 of Russian rouble (1.89g). Basing on the analyses of the 19th century’s reports it was confi rmed that these coins were called panāhābādīs. For the coins of two mentioned standards tentative names “rouble” panāhābādī and “rupee” panāhābādī are offered. In 1798–1800 only “rouble” panāhābādīs of type A were minted. In 1800–1804 sāhibqirānīs of type B with the name of Fath ‘Alī Shāh Qājār (with standard weight 4.13g, i.e. 25 Russian kopecks) were struck.

Due to the peaceful accession under Russian allegiance in 1805, the coinage was preserved in Qarabāgh Khānate. Here in 1805–1823 sāhibqirānīs of types C, D and E were minted, the last one - with a unique Persian couplet. The termination of the coinage in Qarabāgh Khānate was caused by the elimination of the Khān’s power in 1822 and the subsequent fi nality of the monetary lease in 1823. The author of the article analyses the dynamics of exchange rates between Russian and Qarabāgh coins in connection with the imperial fi nancial policy in the South Caucasus in the 19th century.


Metrology, silver coins, panāhābādī, sahibqiranī, Afshārid, Zand, Qājār, Panāhābād, Qarabāgh Khanate, Southern Caucasus, Iran

Alexander V. Akopyan

The Institute of History, the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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