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Remarkable accurate and informative maps of the Black Sea Basin were created in the European cartography during the 14th – 16th centuries. Their quality refl ected the high level of the geographical and the historical-ethnographic knowledge of this region of the Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. The article is aimed to reveal historical reasons for the presence of the toponym “Circassian ban” (“Cherkeze bano”) located in the central part of the Crimea on the map “Descriptione de la Moscouia” by Giacomo Gastaldo.

The author suggests two versions of this toponym’s origin. Firstly, the name of the place could refl ect the existence of a “Circassian fortress” (Cherkes-kermen) in the mountains of the southern Crimea. In such a case, the name could appear under conditions of rather numerous presence of Circassian population during the period preceding the Ottoman conquest (1475). According to the point of view, repeatedly expressed in the historiography of the history of the Late Medieval Crimea, the dynasty governed the Principality of Theodoro (Crimean Gothia) in 1403-1475 came from Circassia. Secondly, a small but very powerful community of Circassian “Franks” could exist during the 16th -17th centuries in the Crimean Khanate, governing the Village of Sivurtash, which is situated close to the Khan’s capital.


Circassian ban, Giacomo Gastaldo, Crimea, Mangup, Cherkes-kermen, Principality of Theodoro, Sivurtash, Circassian “Franks”, Circassia

Samir Kh. Khotko

Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after Kerashev, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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