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The article is devoted to the studying of one of the aspects of the USSR population evacuation process during The Great Patriotic War and people staying in the Soviet rear. On the basis of archival materials and memoirs the author researches the main reasons and objects of confl icts between evacuees and authorities, between evacuees and local inhabitants of rear regions of the country. The author shows that the main objects of confl icts were: prohibitive measures on evacuation and re-evacuation, housing diffi culties, income disparities, social and national differences and stereotypes of mutual understanding. The author fi nds out that there were administrative, repressive and verbal ways of overcoming conflicts. The author concludes that the large-scale evacuation, which was carried out in extreme conditions of war, increased tension in the Soviet Rear and frontline areas, but the ways of confl ict resolution made the authorities change their policy and made people learn to live together.


Great Patriotic War, confl ict, evacuation, prohibitive measures, interpersonal

Marina N. Potemkina. Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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